
Saturday I had three friends over for dinner. As expected Ann and Shaun--well traveled, well informed, politically astute--had no problem finding common ground with Marek. I'm writing well past the date of the dinner, but recall lively conversations about the role of technology in our lives, the role of corruption in Chinese vs. Russian communism, and the advantages of a vegan diet (from Marek, not from me, although I cheer on any vegan evangelists. Eveganalist?

My night was spoiled somewhat by my very ill behaved dog, who repeatedly put his ball in different people's laps, looking for a throw. Not nice when the ball is dirty and slobbery. Even if it wasn't dirty and slobbery. He also played under the (outdoor) table with a stick, banging into people's legs. It made it difficult to relax and enjoy the conversation as I tried to distract him.

While I'm on the topic of my favourite k9, here is a puppy pic of him taking up one corner of his dog bed.

And filling the same bed:

I would like to do more entertaining but I've identified Paddy as a potential problem in this plan. That and my general dislike of cooking.

July 24-25