Energy, No Energy

Preventable Surprises is hosting a breakfast meeting tomorrow so most of my day centred around preparations for it. Tonight, my hostess, Carolyn, had a woman over for dinner whom she connected with through a mutual acquaintance. Our guest, Catherine Mitchell, is a professor at Exeter University and apparently is a leading thinker on energy policy. She serves on the IPCC, the UN science panel in charge of telling us how quickly the earth is overheating. She travels all over the world to study and advocate for utility systems that are sustainable.

It was not a light conversation. As we finished dinner, she and Carolyn went over the finer details of pricing policy for different energy sources at peak demand. It was one of the few times in my life when I was happy to adjourn to the kitchen to do the dishes. Not that it wasn’t interesting, but my brain is pretty washed out by 9 pm.

And here’s a shopfront I walked by today:
