Endless song

There's a UU hymn I love that begins: My life flows on in endless song, Above earth's lamentations... Hence the headline.

After work on Thursday I drove to Derry for the International Choir Festival. On Thursday night in the Guildhall I heard the Polish Radio Choir, which was so precise as to be eery. So many voices in such perfect harmony, sliding between major and minor keys. Phenomenal. I attended with a school friend, Cathy Arthur, pub visit afterward, then on to Julie Brown's, where I spent the night.

Friday morning was an early walk with Julie and her dog, then lazed about, then an amazing breakfast, sourdough French toast. Then to Culturlann for a lunchtime concert featuring four choirs. First up was the Estonian girls choir.

Lovely lovely. Words can't express how gorgeous their harmonies were. Then Derry's Pink Ladies (breast cancer survivors) then In Tune, made up of young people with special needs (autism, Down's syndrome). The crowd was very supportive and the choir members had a ball--lots of love in the room for them. Finally, the Magnificent AKs. Check them out online. An amazing men's choir from Wiltshire.

Then lunch with Julie at Brooke Park, which sits above St. Eugene's Cathedral.

Then on to Mary's for a visit, then the long drive home. Quite exhausted upon arrival Friday night.

Saturday I visited no less than 15 places as I did my errands. Nuts. Four of them were charity shops--I'm in the market for curtains to cover my front door to exclude drafts. Saturday night I had an excellent dinner with golf coach Geoff Bleakly, his wife Paula, and fellow student Ali. Paula is an exceptional cook so I felt well indulged. I'd never had a butternut squash with spinach, ricotta and tomato sauce baked inside. It was amazing.

Sunday was mainly nursing a hangover, followed by golf in the afternoon. I have five cards in now toward my 16 card max for ladies winter league golf.

20-23 Oct.