End of the road

This entry covers the final two full days of mom’s trip. Tuesday was tea and buns with choirmate Monica, who graciously tolerated me inviting mom and myself over. She and her husband designed their home to be able to age gracefully in place, including wheelchair-adapted showers, an elevator, zero steps, handicap-adapted closets, you name it. My favourite part was the kitchen, where we sat after a full-house tour and I got to pick Monica’s brain about health care system design, her globe-trotting specialty. Afterward, mom and I made a return trip to the coastal path, taking the path from Helen’s Bay to Crawfordsburn. This was taken in Helen’s Bay.

Wednesday--our final full day together--started same as the first day of mom's trip with a bit of shopping at Laura Ashley. Then to the quaint village of Donaghadee, where we walked along the coast, sat and watched the ocean for a while, and enjoyed all the dog walkers. I had given mom a choice of four things to do today and she chose the coastal path, our fourth visit to the coast. Then we visited a garden centre in Donaghadee, where we had a lovely lunch outside. Just like at Florence Court, we had rhubarb crumble for dessert. Then we drove into Belfast, where we had tea with Ann O’Dwyer, daughter of mom’s good friend, Peggy. We toured her lovely garden then capped the evening off with a visit from both our neighbours, Michael and Faye Doherty and Marshall Boyd.