
Last night I went to see a play with 30 neighbours! The play wasn't great--it was a farce--but it was fun to be out on a Friday night with a large group of friends. We went back to one couple's house for wine and birthday cake, so that was good craic. Some of the same people walked their dogs this morning at Stormont--a bit bleary eyed. We had tea and scones at a picnic table after walking the dogs. Most of the people belong to Gilnahirk Presbyterian. A lot of them have done Habitat for Humanity trips to different countries each year. This year the plan is to go to Cambodia.

Saturday night I went to a swing dance. As I lie in bed rather worn out I counted my dances and there were 10. That's a good number for me. The ratio of leads to follows is so low that it's easy to spend a lot of time chatting and not so much dancing.

Sunday's highlight was heading over to Fiona and Eric's for apple sponge with custard--I hadn't had that since high school--and chatting with Fiona's adorable mother Eileen. Eileen is crazy about Paddy, so I brought him down to see her, and she just fussed over him, remarking on his every expression, his every marking, his every move. He licked her hands and face and was just his adorable self. There are two care homes not far from me. If I were a more organised person, I could set up times for Paddy to visit people in the homes. He might need to be a bit older and calmer. He jerks me all over the place.

March 9-10