
The last two weeks have been characterised by multiple iterations of editing a 40 page paper on integrating ESG factors into municipal bond evaluation. The head of fixed income is, let's say, very engaged in the process. I love her enthusiasm but I'd say she's more hands on than necessary. Anyway, I've edited the paper five times in two weeks--as we work through edits from her boss, input from the chair of the advisory commitee, new demograpic data unearthed by her colleague, on and on. The editing process is meant to be linear. I have it for a week. Then they have it for a week. Then I have it for a week. Instead, we are in a shared document every day. I'm not used to concurrent editing in the cloud and her analyst has helped me with umpteen things. Like if you 'open in desktop app' are those edits captured in the cloud version he and his boss are working in? My little linear brain struggles with so many things technology related.

The last two days before I left for Wales, I was on calls with Carmen and Jasper--the two authors of the paper--from 4pm - 6pm. We went through edits line by line--my edits, edits from the head of investment practice, edits from a data vendor. I had so much to do to get out of town!! One of those days I had started editing at 6:30 am to meet an 11 am deadline. Then I was on a zoom call with them until 6 pm.

The great thing is this: I was bored with my old job and I wanted something more challenging. I now have something more challenging. And I like it. I really do. I think trying to get my ducks in a row before going on vacation has made it a bit extra challenging to keep up with work (and Paddy, and golf, and watering dozens of plants and bushes).

I'm writing this from Wales, so the happy ending is that my ducks did line up and I am now away--many more photos to come once I figure out how to upload from the phone to the cloud and download from the cloud to my laptop. I've done this 100s of times but everywhere I go I have to figure out how to connect both phone & laptop to wifi. I have succeeded only with the laptop so far.

mid to late June