Easter Burny

Not bunny but burny. On Easter Sunday, I was out running with Paddy, my irrepressible Springer Spaniel. To my left, a creek cut deep into the banks. To my right a duck pond. Paddy was running up the creek out of sight as I ran parallel to him on a paved path. He scared up a pair of ducks that flew low across to the pond--right in front of me, with Paddy in hot pursuit. Paddy got tangled in my feet, I went into the air, and landed on my left elbow and ribs, cracking at least one rib.

Have you ever cracked ribs? They take for bloody ever to heal. Especially if one isn't inclined to be still and do next to nothing.

That put paid to my wall sanding and painting project. Which is really a shame because it's the perfect lockdown project.

12 April