Dundrum Bay

I spent Saturday doing a lot of catch-up housework, now that my shoulder is mostly pain free and no more stomach pains/headaches. I didn't do much of anything for three weekends in a row starting with the 6 Feb. fall. It was really interesting to be aware of time moving on a different plane. I normally live by the tyranny of the list--consulting it throughout the day and becoming stressed by how little I've accomplished. For three weekends there was no question of me doing anything, and so time just floated by with no effort by me to wrestle it to fit my agenda. It was really weird. And quite lovely. I will have to get better at ignoring the list occasionally so I can have a timeless day.

Where was I? After a Saturday of chores/errands, on Sunday I went to a National Trust beach with my friend Chris, her dog Cooper, and my amphibious Paddy. We began walking along a beach that looked back at the village of Dundrum. The tide was coming rapidly into the bay so Paddy swam against it like it was nothing. Then we walked along the coast facing the Irish Sea. Again Paddy crashing through waves like a Boston Whaler.

I put him on a leash a few times because I was worried he would be too exhausted to fight the undertow. He is solid muscle and seems to have endless energy. We had a quick visit with Aelish, who lives in Newcastle, down the beach from Dundrum. She is getting on well. Her daughter and boyfriend are living with her, so she's happy in her new home.

When I got home from the outing, I got engrossed in a book and spent the rest of the afternoon reading. Heaven.

28 Feb.