Drumroll please...

  1. Steam off paper.
  2. Steam and scrape off glue.
  3. Sand and sponge
  4. Spackle, sand, and sponge.
  5. Two undercoats of paint.
  6. One coat of colour.
  7. Paint three rows of trim.
  8. Second coat of colour.
  9. Spray paint radiator cover grills and paint frame.

A month of doing the above and you go from this:

to this:

And this:

To this:

And this:

To this:

If you notice, some of the images are reversed. That’s because I took some photos on my MacBook, which produces mirror images, and some on my digital camera, which doesn’t.

I would say the photos don’t do the final work justice. Bottom line, I’m happy with my sun-deprived-yet-sunny hallway. I’ve done the ground floor but not the second and third floors. David is home from Italy. I’m hoping I’ve inspired him to pick up where I’ve left off. The biggest part of the job is the wall that leads from the front door to the bottom of the stairs, up the stairs, then down the upstairs hallway. That wall is done, so the rest of the project is more manageable.