Drum roll please

Scroll through the brochure until you see the kitchen then the bathroom. After the bathroom will be what the master bedroom looked like when we bought the house.
And then demolition began.


One more:

Drum roll and then after photos. First a caveat. I don't think my MacBook Air takes a very good photo. I haven't found my charger, so I'm forced to use my laptop, which I have to hold away from me and reach around to take the photo. It's awkward and doesn't provide proper lighting. So I'd say the bedroom actually looks better than it does in the photos. Also, the MacBook reverses all images, so it's a bit confusing. Caveats aside, we're happy with how it turned out.

The radiator you saw in the last "before" photo is now behind the bed. The door is on the left here instead of right because the camera reverses everything.

In the first and second photos above, you saw a wardrobe being removed and a chimney revealed. The high boy went in front of the chimney. Eventually there will be art on either side.
The bay window:

We wake up every morning and look out the bay window at the sunrise. This will probably be my favorite feature of the house. Also, when you sit in the bay, you see trees on either side. It's like being in a treehouse. I love it.
We left the wardrobe on one side of the room.
