Drama on the greenway

I went for a run this morning, which finishes on a long stretch of the Comber Greenway. Huffing and puffing, I managed to swallow a wasp, which stung the back of my throat on its way down. Pain!! OMG. I was in a total panic--I don’t handle pain well, I get frightened and make things worse. I asked everyone who went by if they had water. I imagined the wasp was still at the back of my throat, causing me to cough violently to dislodge it. But it was the sting I was feeling. A cyclist came by with water and he offered me his bottle--he told me I could keep it. I was in such a state, so desperate for relief from the pain. A woman walking her dog offered to walk home with me. Everyone was really nice.
I went home and ate honey, ice cream, yoghurt. Nothing helped. I think after two hours the pain went from 10 to nine. Another hour it was at 8.5. It was a long day.
In the evening, we went to Bangor to play golf at the par 3 (pain was down to 6 by then). I wanted to get my mind off my throat.
The good news is my throat didn’t swell. My mom is allergic to bees (not sure if wasps have the same effect). I was afraid of my airways closing but that didn’t happen. After the high of Saturday, today the pendulum swung the other way.