Down time

I worked Weds-Fri and mom entertained herself by finishing Toast and beginning Amy & Isabelle, the first book by Elizabeth Strout (Olive Kitteridge). She's also working her way through both seasons of Derry Girls. In the evenings we have been watching Strictly Come Dancing, which we are both finding very entertaining despite not knowing the 'celebrities.'

Thursday afternoon we walked to the end of Cherryvalley Park, quite a long walk but mom was up for it. I left her at Thea's for tea while I went back to work. Thea knits/embroiders/makes jewelry/bakes and has a lovely garden. She's a great story teller, so mom was well entertained.

Friday at lunchtime we met Ann for a dip at Helen's Bay. In case this isn't obvious in the photo, sea swimming is my happy place.

I asked mom to take a photo of the two of us when we got out, she tried but there was no photo, so I did the selfie thing. Water temperature around 56. Air temperature around 62, so getting out wasn't difficult. Mom thinks we are both insane. I'd say there were easily 20 other people in the water, so we were in good company.

I went back to my desk and wrestled some more with a poorly written paper about thematic bonds (bond proceeds used for a project with environmental or social benefits, e.g. renewable energy or low income housing). It took me all day to get through three of 10 pages. But I'm also not fully focused on work ATM.

In the evening we went next door to the Dohertys for wine and crackers with cheese and salmon. Blue cheese, cheddar, brie--quite the fromage feast. We mostly talked about Donegal, where they spent their holidays when their two boys were young.

I'm so grateful for Ann's friendship. Getting into Belfast Lough isn't easy, but once you are in, it's heaven. It's a lot easier to get in when Ann and I are whooping and shrieking and laughing together. We were in for about 20 minutes, then out for tea and buns before home.

Oct. 6-8