Down Day

Today was a consistently rainy day. There are some days with a fine misty rain that won't stop you from walking, and then there's days like today when you're in the soup.

We visited two craft shops, a tea shop, and had a look round Glen Coe. This is a monument to the Glen Coe Massacre. I read the history on Wiki but it was pretty complicated. Long story short: the Catholic MacDonalds were killed by those loyal to the new Protestant king, who wasn't keen on resistance from restless Catholics.

Who can resist a cute wee cottage.

In the afternoon we went for a walk along a bike path that hugs Loch Linnhe, ending up at a restaurant with a beautiful view of the loch, where I enjoyed a G&T and Cathy enjoyed her pinot grigio. It was a great down day because I for sure cannot walk miles every day.

July 22