Double Nickel

I’m 55 today! Heavens, that sounds old. I don’t feel old. My face & bod are ageing, but I enjoy swimming and running w/o too much trouble. I’m very lucky, I know. When my running isn’t going well, I remind myself I could so easily be in a wheelchair after an unfortunate encounter with a Land Rover. I feel like a photo is in order, so I’m grabbing one from 2009 taken in Costa Rica. I like this photo b/c I remember what a great trip that was.

Highlight of my birthday: lunch with an old high school friend. I left so many incredible friends behind in the states that, when I connect with a friend here, I really appreciate it.

Lowlight of the day: I got a test at 5 pm that I had to turn in at 9 am tomorrow. I worked on it for a few hours and then gave up. It’s about the investment landscape for clean energy in India. About which I know zero. FFS. The assignment came with a 91-page report on the competitive landscape for clean energy investment in 58 emerging markets. Also, a spreadsheet with maybe 50 indicators for each country. I know it had about 6,600 cells in one column and there were maybe six columns. I did my best to summarise the research, with the sneaking suspicion I was supposed to do my own research and only reference the report.