Don’t fence me in

Today was mostly chasing after a puppy and a cat--letting them in and out of different doors. I take Paddy out A LOT to encourage outdoor peeing and pooing. I let Isabelle in and out of various rooms to keep her away from my needle-toothed buddy. She’s hissed at him a few times but I’m sure she’ll come round.
He spends most of his time in the kitchen, where he damages only what I’ve given him to destroy. When he’s in the living room, he goes after the fringe on the rugs with a vengeance.

He also bites my hands, my sweater, my shoes, my hair, he’s just a biting machine. I’ve given him many chewing options--an old glove, a dishpan brush, chew sticks, empty toilet rolls, kale stalks. empty plastic containers.
I went out today to buy wire fencing to fix a 9-foot section of hedge that has no chicken wire embedded. I didn’t summon the energy today to actually install the fence, but I really enjoyed getting out of the house to do some shopping. Paddy and I have spent a lot of time in the kitchen and the back garden.
Nov. 3