Donegal Day 2

The day began at Ards Forest Park.

More Frisbee throwing. Lovely beaches. Constantly changing light.

Paddy in his heaven. I'm pretty happy too.

Maybe because my mom is from Atlantic City – I love to be on a beach. But not a hot beach. Donegal is perfect. The water and the sand does something to centre me – all stressful things shed like an itchy skin.

Next I drove over an hour to Cruit Island. Let Paddy out of the car for some intense sprints, see above. Then he snuggled into his car bed while I played 9 holes of gorgeous golf. Here are the lads on the first tee box.

Here is the feature hole – men have to get over two bodies of water, women only one. I've teed my ball up on Connie's tee – keeping her with me on this beautiful day. Putting green in the distance.

View on the way to the green, tee box to the right:

White markers show out of bounds:

So the course was just beautiful. It was very windy – wind coming fiercely off the Atlantic. Took some careful calculations to club up or club down, depending whether the wind is against you or with you. All in all, I was happy with how I played.

The guys played a second round of 9 (the course has only 9 holes) and I headed home.

22 May