
Mom arrived Monday 19 August around 7:30 a.m. We took a shuttle bus to Heuston station in Dublin, where we only just caught the 9:30 a.m. train to Killarney, just over 3 hours. Then on a shuttle bus to the Gleneagles Hotel, where I rented a car and drove an hour to Dingle. By the time we got there, mom had been traveling 22 hours. So she went to bed for a few hours and I walked around the town. I was up at 4:30 this morning to get the bus to Dublin so I was tired as well. It was an early night for both of us after a pub dinner.

I took only one photo today, of Inch beach. The drive to Dingle was lovely but mom was  sleeping on and off. I was focused on getting her to bed more than on getting photos.

Aug. 19