Dillon vs. Dylan

The Irish Dillon means faithful friend. The Welsh Dylan means of the sea. This is according to Ann, who walks Dolly and Dillon in the morning with her husband, John.

I learn a lot in the mornings walking with my various morning walk friends. I'd say walking the dog in the morning is the best part of my day. Partly because I'll have a friendly chat with someone. Partly because I get to see a beautiful sunrise over the water. I get to watch dogs run and play. And the birds are interesting. A great blue heron has been parked by the stream every morning. When Maysie and I walk by on the other side of the stream, he holds his ground. The fish in the stream must be tasty.

I also like that the view is always different depending on cloud cover, whether the tide is out or in, whether there's a frost, whether there are any ships on the water. It'll be interesting to see what y daily walk will be like at Cherryvalley.
