Did I just say that?

I had a long meeting this afternoon at the offices of the Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change, which is in the West End. I'm here, why not see a show? Well, by the time I left the office, I was feeling pretty tired. I was in the office early this morning. My feet were tired. I didn't bring my wool scarf and it was nippy out. A co-worker at IIGCC goaded me on, saying my excuses were pretty lame. I could point out that there's a difference between 56 and 26 but I didn't. Instead, I headed to the Victoria Theatre, where Hamilton is playing.

It was a half hour walk past Trafalgar Square, through St. James's Park, around the front of Buckingham Palace and then to the theatre. So even if I didn't score a ticket, I had a great walk. Once in line for returned tickets, I learned there are four producer tickets released every night and then returned tickets are re-sold, with seller and buyer agreeing on a price. I didn't get a ticket tonight but I learned of how to improve my chances should I come tomorrow night. This released me to go somewhere and get some food--I was cold and hungry. I ended up having a feast in a Turkish restaurant on Brick Lane.

While in line at the theatre, I chatted with two 20-something men hoping to get tickets to Hamilton for the second time. They were both smoking and apologised to me for the smoke drifting in my direction. Without thinking I said:  "It's worse for you than me." They laughed. I couldn't believe I said that--some buried maternal instinct to chide them for their bad habit.

March 19