
I’m taking a break from posting photos to bitch about two things that totally tick me off. One is related to my sense that I need to be on various social media platforms. As a writer, I should be showing my wares on Twitter--home to such talented writers!--and LinkedIn. What I find is they are just ad delivery vehicles. As if I don’t get enough unwanted ads via e-mail and Facebook. I resent being another set of eyeballs for the world’s most prolific advertisers and I resent it more now that I’m trying to engage on more platforms.

Part of the reason I get so many unwanted e-mails is that you have to provide your e-mail every time you buy a plane ticket or book a hotel or sign a petition. I guess I need to just unsubscribe from everything. It cracks me up that my e-mail inbox is just like my mailbox in the US--tons of stuff I don’t want and few things that I do.

Bitch No. 2: I dislike being forced to do everything online (filling out dozens of fields every time). If I have a question, as I so often do, too bad about it. I’m forced into doing everything electronically kicking and screaming. I love talking to a person and I’m denied that opportunity over and over again. Bank, credit card, mutual fund company, airline--no one will talk to me. Phone trees and FAQs sap my will to live--both are designed to thwart any attempt I may entertain to try to reach a human being. I think the world is a very hostile place for technophobes. We are being left behind--adapt or die.

Diatribe done.