Derry Day

I learned that the train to Derry is 7 pounds roundtrip on Sundays--normally more like 22. So I went to Derry for the day today. The clipper yachts are in town, so there’s a maritime festival on. These ocean racing yachts are very sleek modern affairs with a crew of amateur sailors who are sailing around the world. There are about 70 people per boat--retired civil servants, fund managers, accountants, decorators, every profession imaginable and from many countries, although the UK definitely dominates. I was interested to see that each yacht sponsor is seeking to promote trade and investment in each port of call, of which there are dozens during the 40,000 nautical-mile race. Sponsors include three of the port cities (Derry and cities in Vietnam and China), a logistics company, a coal company (boo), a medi-vac company, an electronic trading platform, UNICEF (official race charity), and a few others.

More on the race here:

After I walked up and down the quay, I went into the walled city for lunch. When I came out, I heard a pipe band up on the wall:

I always enjoy hanging out in Derry. I didn’t take many photos. This one is of the quay taken from the train as I left town, with the peace bridge basically blocking the view.
