Decades digitised

Hard to believe but it has been just over a decade since I began this blog. Amazing.

In that time, I've obtained three visas, UK citizenship, a UK driver's license and a graduate degree. I've bought and redecorated an Edwardian house. I've been on five holidays in England, Scotland and Wales. I've lost one dog and two cats (as in deceased, not missing). I've been smitten by one dog, see below.

I've gotten a divorce. I've had three jobs. I've developed a bit of a golf addiction. I've made lots of friends. I've hosted my mom seven times, during which we've toured the length and breadth of the island.

It's been a busy decade. I don't know that I'll continue the blog much longer. It was once a place where I enjoyed delineating all the differences between the US and the UK. I explored all the things I loved about my new home and some of the things that proved to be a disappointment (nonexistent environmental policies; the DUP remains rooted in the Pleistocene epoch; consociational government has run up against its limits). On the whole, the move has been an improvement. For reasons small and large, I feel more at home here than in the US.

While much of this blog is hardly compelling reading, I think it will be something I might enjoy looking back on, say a decade or more from now. If I can figure out how to archive it so it isn't lost in the ether.

Mid April