Day 2

After two nights in Galway, we headed north and came upon this abbey, which I think is Ross Errily Abbey. The bus tour we took yesterday also offers a northbound tour, and this would have been the first stop. According to the tour company leaflet: “14th Century Franciscan friary described as the most extensive and best preserved of all the Franciscan friaries in Ireland."

We drove down a narrow road to get the picture. There we met an affable Kiwi who told us the story of Gen. Boycott. Cromwell told him to sack this abbey, he didn’t, and Cromwell responded by a) sacking the abbey and b) cutting Boycott into little bits and displaying him in the nearby town of Headford.
Next stop Ashford Castle, where these sweeties awaited us:

They are there to greet the well heeled visitors, who can afford the price of admittance:

Mom was impressed by Ashford.

The last time I had a photo of this view, I was 18, in a University of Richmond t-shirt, shorts and a backpack. Back then you could walk into Ashford for a peak around the lobby. Post a $30 million renovation, not so much. But we enjoyed walking the grounds.

Us @ Ashford.

One of these would look good in front of my house:

The gates to Ashford had a prominent A, making me think Aspin Castle has a nice ring.

Betty chillin.

Went to Cong for lunch. Quiet Man filmed in Cong:

Lovely Celtic crosses in Cong.

I think this is Lough Murrisk, but don’t hold me to it.

Maum turk mountains:

Traffic jam:

We drove up the Inagh Valey, Maum turks on our right, Twelve Bens of Connemara on our left. It was quite lovely.

Next stop Kylemore Abbey.

A miniature cathedral built by Henry Mitchell to honour his wife, who died at age 45 leaving nine children and Henry to forge on.

Very impressed by the four marbles used in the pillars that represent the four provinces of Ireland, including a grey marble from Armagh, a black marble from Kilkenny, green from Connemara, and rose from Cork. Here’s one small section from the very large walled Victorian garden, an amazing oasis in the mountains which supplied all the food for the guests at Kylemore Abbey.

Headed through the Murrisk mountains (I think, but who knows at this point) to Killary Harbour, actually a fjord. Here’s a tree near the fjord where people leave bits and bobs while making a wish.

Mom made friends with Desmond over dinner, a real character. He’s a guide on private tours and had Stories to Tell.
