David & Stuart

When they had us over for dinner last weekend, David offered to come by to trim our rose bushes. He is a keen gardener and loves roses. So they came by this afternoon and I gave them a tour of our disheveled house. After which David went after our five climbing rose bushes with his secateurs (new word for me: I would have said pruners). They looked great when he was done.

Then we took them out for dinner and David told us all kinds of salacious Northern Ireland gossip, like the devout Baptist man and woman who met at bible study then killed their spouses so they could be together. They married, then he left her for someone else. Something like seven years went by before, wracked with guilt after his son died, he confessed.

Then there's the wife of First Minister Peter Robinson--an Anita Bryant, gay-bashing type. David was delighted when she was caught having an affair with a teenage boy and steering government money to set him up in business. It was an entertaining dinner.