Dancing Days Deux

Thursday (yesterday) I worked then traveled. Today was sightseeing then registration and a social (i.e. a dance). My roommie Rhoda and I walked up the Royal Mile to the Castle. This is taken with the castle at my back looking at one of the lodges near the entrance.

The castle is more or less grafted onto the rock.

Then I went to the National Gallery, which had a wonderful exhibit of paintings by Constable, including Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadow. I was taken by a pair of paintings of Loch Lomond by John Knox, one of which is below.

The other Scottish painters on view were Raeburn, Wilkie and McTaggart, all exceptional. I was surprised by the number of Americans, like Benjamin West, JS Copley and, Frederick Church, below.

Rhoda isn’t into museums. After we reconnected at the appointed hour I said let me just take you in to see one painting. I showed her Niagara Falls. And Salisbury Cathedral, given its fame. And a Titian and a Reubens (we’re there anyway).
I think I danced only twice at the social. Rhoda is one of these weird people who doesn’t need to eat meals. I had had snacks instead of dinner so I left the dance at 9 to find food. Plenty more time for dancing.