
Today was the fifth day in a row of long hours at the computer. I’ve developed a knot in my left shoulder that has felt like a ball of fire the longer I sit in front of my screen. Possibly a combination of stress and a not-ideal wooden chair at Carolyn’s. My cold is also back--oh joy--so I’m sleeping poorly.

In desperation, I called a massage therapist in Kentish Town. The pain had become constant and my ability to bear it was diminishing rapidly. No answer all afternoon so I walked into Kentish Town to try to find someone. I ended up at a Chinese massage/acupuncture clinic. I’ve never been in such a place before and entered with trepidation. It was pretty much what I expected. No soft touches. The massage therapist told me to go down the hall to a room. I guessed which room, I guessed that it was OK to take my top off and lie on the massage bed with a towel over me. I lay there for maybe 10 minutes listening to a very loud wall clock ticking. No aromatherapy or soft music or introduction (I’m Lauren, how can I help you today).

The unnamed massage therapist came in and told me I needed acupuncture and a massage. I have vasovagal syncope triggered by needles. I faint because my "body overreacts to certain triggers... The trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly. That leads to reduced blood flow to your brain, causing you to briefly lose consciousness.” (Mayo Clinic) I’ve learned this through trips to emergency rooms and hours of nausea. I have low blood pressure to begin with and when it drops, I start getting “shocky” according to one nurse who told me NEVER to give blood again.

I stood very firmly against acupuncture. Instead, I let her sell me on cupping, where she heated glass jars and then stuck them on my back. I’d read that Olympic athletes swear by it so I decided what the heck. It was uncomfortable but not unbearable. Sometimes I felt like I had a manhole cover sitting on my torso, other times I felt a very localised sting. The massage that followed was fairly painful. Which I expected. The knot didn’t go away but maybe was beaten down in size. She said I really needed acupuncture because the knot is so deep. But I DON’T need to visit an English ER.

I’m definitely in less pain tonight. We’ll see how I do at the computer tomorrow.

At lunchtime today I went to Camden Market, which is a massive warren of stalls selling jewellery and purses and stuff. I asked four different people if they knew of anyone doing shoulder massage and each pointed me to a different part of the market. No massage person to be found. I also walked through Camden Town, which reminded me of the Atlantic City boardwalk--tons of shops selling the same crap to tourists. I charged my camera before I left, however it is dead so I didn’t charge it right. I took one photo on my phone before it died. I haven’t been able to upload the phone photo due to a weak signal at Carolyn’s. I’ll recharge my phone and try again tomorrow. I always feel bad when I’m delivering words and no photos, particularly when I travel.

(here’s the one photo I’ve taken so far, up the street from Carolyn’s) (it displays correctly on my laptop...)
