Cregagh Glen and Lisnabreeny Cemetery

When we moved away from Crawfordsburn, we knew we’d miss the beautiful coastal path along Belfast Lough, where we loved walking Maysie every day.

What we’ve found since moving to East Belfast is that our walking choices include: Comber Greenway, Stormont Estate, Belvoir Forest, Lagan Towpath, Tullycarnett Park and today’s discovery (5 minutes away) Cregagh Glen. Pronounced Creggy.


My friend Bobbi says I’m not putting up enough photos, so I’m trying to appease her.

Near the top of the hike is Lisnabreeny Cemetery, where 148 U.S. servicemen were buried. I say were buried because they were moved at some point to Cambridge American Cemetery, in Cambridge England, or back to the states. Northern Ireland was host to many thousands of American navy and air force personnel in the months leading up to D-Day. There are the remains of American bases and training grounds all over Ulster. I like this view of Belfast. Barely visible to the right is a one of the iconic cranes, Samson and Goliath, that dominate the Titanic Quarter.
