Crafty buggers

This weekend I went to an arts and crafts show in Dundonald on Saturday and East Belfast on Sunday. The quality of the wares on sale were similar to a curated art exhibit, but the prices were low. I bought all sorts of goodies.
The only picture I took was of a guy who puts air plants in pipes like so:

A friend of mine puts air plants in bits of driftwood so I took the photos for him.

I ran into a lot of people I knew at the East Belfast show, mostly Swing Belfast people, but also a student from Queen’s and a storyteller from TenX9. As luck would have it, I’m about to tell a TenX9 story, so I asked the storyteller for some advice. He said give some thought to the form or the style of delivery so that how you tell the story matches the content. He has a unique style--a lot of dramatic pauses, a lot of repetitions that deepen the impact of what he’s saying--and a deadpan delivery. I am likely to just read fairly quickly out of nervousness.
Dec. 1 & 2