Copeland Islands II

So I played hookie from two services at church today, including the Transgendered Day of Remembrance. I feel pretty badly about not joining the choir for the Remembrance service. I skipped out for the LAME-est of reasons. I had proposed two songs for the service, both very appropriate and very Unitarian. The choir rejected my choices and selected something that had no relevance as far as I could tell and is in the archaic tradition of Presbyterian hymns. So I wasn’t all that inspired. Petty? Possibly.

Instead I hiked along the Copeland coast:

Would you believe that from this island, you can see Scotland, the Isle of Man, the Lake District, and the Mourne Mountains? Spectacular. In the photo above you can see the roof of a shed in the distance. Here’s a close up:

Another angle:

Fellow hikers, one of whom, bless her, loaned me a hat and gloves.

Because we took this detour, we were well behind the lead hikers. Our reward: watching two cock pheasants fly along the coast and settle in the ferns--probably flushed by the first group of hikers. They were absolutely gorgeous. My last shot on the island:

It was a lovely day--I can’t regret not spending the day at church in order to sing two songs that I didn’t like.