Continental Market

While I should have been off today, I spent a lot of time trying to get interviews with two utility executives. I managed one, but I never reached the other one, despite an agreed-on time. Whatever. I didn’t understand much of the interview, so we’ll see whether I can wrangle an article out of it for a trade publication.

To get out of the house, I drove into the city for the Continental Market at Belfast City Hall, not terribly dissimilar from the Christmas market. I had a bowl of potatoes bravas (Spanish?) with a glass of cider. I sat next to a couple from Cork and had a nice chat with them about mom’s upcoming trip in July. It was a really nice break from being housebound. David is back from Sweden today, so I timed things to collect him & his luggage and save him a bus ride home.

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It’s been really hot this week, high 70s, which is about as hot as I can stand. I got a kick out of all the sunburnt people in Belfast--my kind of people. I really don’t know how I withstood heat in the 90s and 100+ in the U.S.