
So I know you are all dying to hear what I'll be studying during the second half of my second semester.
Here's what I'm reading right now: "The Multiple Personalities of EU Competition Law: Time For a Comprehensive Debate on its Objective." The course focuses on competition law--the sort of thing that has tripped up Microsoft, Bell Telephone, the beef industry, chip makers, etc. My other main course will pursue the corporate social responsibility theme I studied last semester. A third course looks at research methodology (recent readings: "Designing Social Inquiry" and "Rules of Inference").

The interesting thing about controlling monopolies and cartels is that U.S. law used to dominate. In the past decade, however, EU law has become more prevalent in jurisdictions around the world--partly because the U.S. has become too laissez-faire for the tastes of countries that are not excited about oligopolies.

I celebrated St. Patrick's Day by taking a two-hour driving class then cleaning up the bedroom we've been working on for the past week. Now I'm turning to competition law. I like the idea of going into Belfast to partake of the festivities, but I think it will be a madhouse best avoided. And I have trim to paint!