Coming up Roses

Today we got in a second round of golf at Belvoir. Mom misses playing golf and enjoys being out on the course and telling me what club to use and how to swing.
Then we visited Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park, an international trial garden for commercial rose breeders. Here’s mom at the entrance.

A bit of info on the garden:

It’s serious business here in Belfast.

Mom and I covered a lot of ground over the past two weeks. She has been a trooper, up for anything, anywhere, never complaining, although this is way more activity than she’s used to. The least I could do is take her to a garden filled with bouquets.

We closed out mom’s visit with a lovely dinner at Neill’s Hill, which the Primms also took us to recently, and with a visit from former neighbour Marshall. And so ended two weeks of fun-filled travel and exploration of some lovely corners of Ireland, north and south.