Comber Greenway

Our morning walk with Maysie has been citified, just like our commute. The Comber Greenway used to be a rail line and is now reserved for cyclists, dog walkers, runners and strollers. It is a short walk from the house.

I'm appalled by how many people don't pick up after their dogs. In Crawfordsburn, it was rare that you saw an abandoned pile of poo. The Greenway is in danger of becoming the Brownway. So I've taken a large bag instead of a small poop bag when I walk Maysie and I'm picking about a dozen piles up per trip.

Isn't that what they say about cities? More anonymous--less peer pressure to do the right thing. I hope that the Broken Windows theory holds. Once people see that the Greenway is green again, they'll feel more self-conscious about not cleaning up after their dog.