
Maisie lives in Sheffield, which isn’t near the sea, and she’s a big fan of coastal areas. The girls spent the morning at St. George’s Market and Victoria Square--an urban shopping centre--while I was at church, then I took them to Donaghadee for lunch, with a great view of the harbour.

Our view wasn’t as good as the internet photo--it was grey and rainy--but we had a nice pub lunch next to a fireplace. As we left town, I decided to head south to Portaferry to take them to the aquarium. Maisie checked her phone, which said the aquarium was open until 6. We get there at 4:30 and they close at 5--internet wrong. Sigh. I had driven 22 miles on a narrow, winding road for nothing. However, the coastal drive was very pretty. It was a greyer version of this:

The girls were good sports about the mix-up. We headed home and had a late dinner in front of the TV, where we were all quite caught up in David Attenborough’s Planet Earth II series.