Climate Forum

I spent the first day at the new job at a Climate Forum organised by PRI, my new employer--Principles for Responsible Investment. It hosted one last week in Amsterdam, today in London, next week in Frankfurt and Zurich. The PRI has more than 2,000 signatories around the world and they want to be kept abreast of various efforts to engage with the corporations in which they invest. Signatories are either asset owners (largely pension funds and insurance companies) or investment managers.
Today’s speakers covered engagements on climate (my arm of PRI), methane, water, and just transitions (helping people displaced by the carbon transition find new work). There were no fewer than five panels. The one on ClimateAction100+ was really encouraging--companies appear to be waking up to the value of working together on climate.
I have a great walk to work down Brick Lane, famous for curry houses and vintage clothing shops. One of the things that caught my eye was the WWI memorial--printing letters home from soldiers.

Across the street from these was a barber’s called: Jack the Clipper. It’s tagline: London born and bled.
One of the restaurants made an impression on me: Vegan Korean and Italian Fusion. You don’t get that everywhere.