Clear and Elegant

I spent Tuesday through Thursday editing documents for my new boss, Raj Thamotheram. He’s a visionary, extremely intelligent, and a maverick--however his thinking gets ahead of his writing. Some of his pieces read like a mind dump. So I reorganise and finesse them, send them back, he fiddles with it, sends it back, I fiddle some more. We end up with something that we both feel good about.

One of the pieces was an op-ed for IPE (Investment Pensions Europe), a major trade publication. The IPE editor loved it, calling it clearly written and elegant. Nice feedback! I prefer writing my own pieces to editing the work of others, however I’m enjoying working with Raj because:
*I’m learning a lot.
*He appreciates my feedback--not everyone likes having their stuff aggressively edited.
*And I’m working on something I care about.

You can’t ask for more than that. Well, the cherry on the top would be actually making a difference in reducing emissions fast enough that the ecosystem destruction we are witnessing can be reversed. Now THAT would be something.