Cleaning house

We have less storage here than in America--no garage, no basement, a long crawlspace instead of an attic. I was pretty aggressive in getting rid of things before I left the U.S. I was linked up with a domestic abuse survivor in Coatesville who inherited two beds, lots of linens, dishes, pots, pans, kitchen appliances, a TV, etc. She was starting from scratch with three kids, so we were a match made in heaven (actually in West Chester by a Quaker group that helps women start over).

Where was I? In between writing six commentaries today (14 down, 10 to go), I took a load of stuff to Oxfam. Including my wedding gown:

There's something kind of Miss Haversham about it, isn't there?

Also: the red gown that I bought from Oxfam and never wore. And three sets of china, none complete (odds and ends from Tuesday Morning). A Le Creuset casserole dish shaped like a giant eggplant. You get the idea.

I'm not feeling at all sentimental about donating my gown. In fact I love the idea of some young woman getting a lovely gown for probably 10 pounds--and I love the idea of helping out Oxfam. Win win win.