Christmas crush

We are flying back to the states today out of Dublin, rather than Belfast, because I’m flying to D.C., not Newark. David is flying to Newark but got a better fare out of Dublin than Belfast. The upshot is we drove down to Dublin last night so we wouldn’t have to take two buses early this morning (one to downtown Belfast, the second to Dublin--no fun with luggage).

So here I sit in a Dublin hotel catching my breath. I spent yesterday morning cleaning the house (three different people are caring for the cats while we are gone, one of whom will stay the night, so I wanted the house de-furred). I spent part of the afternoon taking poor Maysie to the kennel and visiting the recycling centre, where I dropped off batteries, broken Christmas lights, paint cans, dead plants, and glass bottles. I packed in a hurry, focusing more on fitting Christmas presents for ten people into my bags than on what I’ll wear for the next two weeks. I hope I packed underwear.

I’m looking forward to seeing my mom but I’m dreading the flight. Sitting in a tiny airplane seat for seven hours or so is a test of my self-control. Sometimes I feel like I’m going to jump out of my skin.

I was in such a rush yesterday that I never took photos of the house decorated for Christmas. I had hoped to elevate a few photos from our first Christmas on Cherryvalley Park. Maybe next year...