Christmas cravings

In church this morning I noticed a woman wearing a Christmas brooch. I was a little jealous because my Christmas brooch, from my grandfather, is in storage. As are my Christmas CDs (Julie Andrews, Jonny Mathis, Andy Williams--yes, I am old), as are my decorations, most of which were made by my mother, as are my Christmas stockings.

I've been working on my paper every day, so I really haven't had much time to focus on Christmas. I do plan to pop into a charity shop at some point and buy something--anything--to give our townhouse a bit of Christmas cheer.

I mentioned getting old above. One sure sign: David and I enjoy watching the Antiques Roadshow on Sunday nights. Surely, that is a sign of getting old. I find that so many of the items are lovely in a way that reflects a time when craftsmanship and beauty were a point of pride, before everything became mass produced and expendable. One of the things that cracks me up is when the evaluator says X is worth 30,000 pounds, and X's owner hardly reacts. "Oh, very good then." British reserve is funny.