Choir Redux

We went back to church last night for a proper concert by the visiting choir from Portland.

They sang songs in Spanish, Swahili, Hindi and Latin, as well as English. So very beautiful.
Seated in front of them was the South Ulster Community Band, which played selections from Les Mis, Saving Private Ryan, John Philip Sousa, etc. Both groups were amazingly talented. It just amazes me what a group of people can do when they come together to do what they love.
I'm at the graduate centre today studying. The essence of Naomi Klein's book, which I just finished, is that the people who care about the earth need to come together and break the grip fossil fuel companies have on our democracies. She equates it to abolishing slavery. Those who profit from slavery and from fossil fuel do so at the cost of human misery. Continuing to burn carbon at our current rate means the desertification of wide sections of Africa, the drowning of low-lying countries, and devastation caused by severe weather. Whether people want to see it that way or not, it is the moral issue of our time.
Which means I could do my dissertation on the fossil fuel divestment campaign. Hmmmm....