Charlie & Milo

I spent from 6 a.m.-noon uploading my fourth paper to Queen's website then working on quarterly fund commentaries--my freelance gig that keeps my checking account from disappearing.

Then I went to Ross Auctions to spend said money. I got a Kashmir rug and two Waterford-like decanters. The house will have hardwood floors throughout, so we will need a few more rugs. Auctions are stressful!! Things move pretty quickly and it's hard to know where you stand. I found it fascinating to see what antiques go for. Some absolute bargains--but not things that I need. I would have bid on the Cuban mahogany dropleaf table that went for 100 pounds if I didn't already own three dropleafs. A bottle of Cognac that lists on collectors' websites for 1000 pounds went for 350.

I ran home, wrote four more fund commentaries then cleaned the house. David and I babysat Milo and Charlie tonight, the kids from next door. They are so polite that it's startling. I served them two big pieces of garlic bread and Charlie (8) asked Milo (6) which piece he wanted. They asked to help with dinner. There were lots of pleases and thank yous. I find them totally charming. Their parents are Canadian and have lived in several countries. They chose to settle here to raise their kids, which makes perfect sense to me.