Change in plans

My friends Joe and Carlos were meant to arrive Saturday morning and depart Wednesday. Joe called Friday and said they both have the flu, so they aren't coming. I had a four day weekend (Monday's a bank holiday, I'm off Fridays) and no plans.

There were lots of things I could have done--a day in Derry, sea swimming, various cultural events. But I didn't do any of these. I did play two rounds of golf and I got a lot done around the house and garden. But not at my usual breakneck speed. I fought the voice that told me I should be more productive with an unexpected four day weekend (paint the spindles! organise your office!). I just slowly took care of things I have trouble getting done through the week.  

I made myself some nice meals.

Although that vegan pot pie was out of the freezer--I didn't get organised to go to the store and make something from scratch. I had fresh flowers every day from my garden.

The main thing I accomplished was catching up with friends. Long phone chats with Aelish and Patricia. A hike with Marek. And I visited Ann and Rick Girard, our neighbours when we lived in Crawfordsburn. Mom and I visited them in Florida (they spend half the year in each locale). The other big accomplishment was replacing the torn rubber strips on the threshold and under the French door in the kitchen. That's the kind of thing I can put off forever. I also have logistics sorted for a September trip to see my mom (bus to Dublin, hotel in Columbus, bus to Parkersburg).

And I got to enjoy living in a tidy house. Here's the bedroom ready for my visitors.

Note the crocheted canopy made by my mom. It doesn't quite fit this bed, but close enough. This spring I finally hung the quilt mom gave me. Another project I was able to put off for more than a year. Below are the tools I needed to get the job done.  

I love how the bedroom turned out. I have plans to put things on the walls, but that will be for another four-day weekend!

Aug. 29