Cell hell

This will be a curmudgeon post, an ode to Bill B’s tetchy side. Everyone wants you to do business on your cellphone. Your bank, your credit card, Facebook, taxi cabs--everything is set up for cellphone users.
I never made the transition to cellphone culture. I can text, but that’s about it. I’m finding that things that are difficult on my laptop would be much easier if I only used the app. I was complaining to a friend the other day that I don’t understand how to add lots of little emojis or icons (say an image of a gift) to Facebook posts. She said it’s really easy on your phone but not as easy on a laptop (I keep getting a phrase: “Feeling happy” with an emoticon instead of just the emoticon). So FB wants me to use my phone, not my laptop. But Facebook sucks up all the data and power on the phone. And I just don’t need to be on FB when I’m out and about.
It is difficult to sign into my bank account on my laptop--lots of steps. The 20-something guy at the bank said it’s a lot easier on the phone. But I don’t WANT to bank by phone. I think it’s a bit dangerous to do financial things on the phone. If I lose my phone, what then?
I feel like a grumpy old lady who is being forced to keep up with modern culture when I am quite comfortable with my lace doilies and plastic sofa covers, thank you very much. Harrumph.