Cats and tweets

Last night I facilitated a climate change discussion, acting as Ban Ki Moon. The teacher earlier required us to set up a twitter account (those of us not already tweeting away). What this meant was that I was tweeting comments about the exercise rather than being present during the exercise. Why is that better? To me Twitter is just one more thing to maintain: Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn. What time is left in your day to think, feel, employ your senses? Why bother when there is constant stimulation out there? I find I look at Facebook when I should be studying. It's like eating food that has no calories.

And here's a picture of my cats in the conservatory:

The kitchen comes next week. A lot of the stuff in the conservatory will go into the kitchen. Then the bedroom stuff will come downstairs so we can paint the bedroom. At the end of our first month here, we hope to have two furnished rooms.