Cats and dogs

Today it took only four hours door to door from my house to Raj’s flat in London. It’s taken seven hours in the past. This time I flew out of Belfast City airport, not far from my house, and into London City airport, also closer to Raj’s. There aren’t as many flights to London City, so I’ll stay an extra night in London to make it work. But what a difference--arriving without being exhausted. Having said that, I have a cold--my third in two months--and my energy level is not what I’d like it to be.

Before I left, I got a photo of her highness tucked up in one of her beds (she has three):

I love when her face is all scrunched up. Then I wanted to get a photo of our grapevine, which is laden with fruit. It so happens that the cats are in the background:

The grapevine covers the ceiling of the conservatory. The grapes are sweet and lovely. They have seeds that are very crunchy, which I’ve come to enjoy as part of my fruit/yoghurt/seed breakfast. We’ve abandoned the conservatory to the cats--we just use it for storage. Our cats have their claws so we don’t want them in the house unsupervised. So the conservatory is full of cat hair, cat litter, and cat vomit. I love my kitties, but they create quite a mess.
