Castle Day

One of the great things about having Joe and
Carlos as guests is they love Maysie. So she’s getting better walks than usual. This is me and Joe and Maydog at Stormont. Sorry for the orientation.

Today we went to Killyleagh Castle, which was wrapped in scaffolding. So I’m inserting an internet photo:

Next was Castle Ward, which is half Victorian Gothic and half Georgian architecture. I thought Joe would enjoy it. We couldn’t go in, but we enjoyed walking around the grounds, stables, clock tower, boat house, etc.--all part of Game of Thrones sets. Here’s me & Carlos:

These are Joe’s photos and I can’t figure out how to rotate them. Sorry.
We drove on to Strangford, caught the ferry to Portaferry, giving us this view:

We had a delicious lunch at the Portaferry Hotel then drove up Strangford Lough to Mount Stewart as the sun was setting.

Mount Stewart was closed so we headed home.