By contrast...

Yesterday’s post was grim, so here’s a photo of Botanic Gardens that I took on Friday.

My job today was to submit article ideas for a quarterly magazine put out by Responsible Investor. So today I read 10 out of the 65 e-mails I’ve received from RI over the past month or so. Each e-mail links to 4 to 6 articles, so it takes a while to get through them.

Tonight was our first choir practice since early June. It was great to see everyone. Whatever I thought I’d learned about reading music I’ve forgotten. I really can’t read music, I can only follow along the notes as I listen to someone sing the alto part. There were two altos there tonight, but neither provided a clear lead. They both sing softly so I barely sang at all. I sing the harmony by memorising it, but I have to hear it to memorise it. Hopefully Violet will be back next week--she has a confident alto voice that I can follow. I had really hoped that by singing with a choir, I’d get more of a feel for finding the harmony. So if I were singing along to a song on the radio, I could pick my way through an invented alto part. But I can’t. I’m hopeless.