Butternut squash

I rarely cook. My New Year’s resolution was once/week. I’m not sure that I’m quite making it. It depends on how you define cook. I guess if you count salads, soups, and roast veg I am. My idea of cooking is something that involves a recipe and at least one trip to the store.

Today I made butternut squash lasagna and it was excellent. The last time I made it, it was tasteless. It is highly time consuming. Roast the squash. Peel the squash. Cut up garlic, mushrooms, and kale. Saute a veg mix in the frying pan. Make a béchamel sauce in a small pot. Assemble it (tomato sauce, veg mix, pasta, repeat, layer of cheese and bechamel, layer of pasta, more tomato sauce and béchamel. So lots of prep time and then a kitchen full of dishes. This is why I don’t cook. And I burned a finger tip getting the lasagna out of the oven. I never cook that I don’t get hurt. Knives! Hot ovens! So many ways to injure yourself.