BtB part 2

I have a thing for patchworks of fields and saw some lovely quilts today.

I count myself very fortunate to be in good enough kip to do this. It wasn’t an easy hike.

Today, Monday, was a high stress day. I met my friend Jenny for tea--taking two hours out of a busy day. She helped me bone up on town council governance in advance of applying for the environmental manager job I want. I didn’t know town council meetings were taped, so I can watch them online. I’ve never been to one and I need to figure out what they are about. I also had an interview this afternoon with a guy who works for the N.I. Utility Regulator. I want to do a freelance article on the sector in NI and the RoI. I had to spend maybe two hours preparing for that interview. So I’m way behind on cleaning the house in preparation for mom’s arrival. She flies into Dublin on Wednesday--two days from now.