Bristol Boats

I worked so hard on my presentation and the trip to Bristol was so tiring that today was a down day. The only concrete thing I can recall accomplishing was writing a letter to my friend Lola and a card to Emily and Catherine. Laundry, dishes, vet. That kind of day--but no job searching, which feels like a vacation. Interesting fact: It costs $1 for my mom to mail me a card and $3.50 for me to mail a card back (postage only). What’s up with that?

David likes narrow boats (which are used to travel along the canals of the U.K., Ireland, and France).

The River Avon goes through Bristol (Avon derived unoriginally from the Welsh word for river). It appears to be divided into canals because I crossed a lot of bridges.

More narrow boats.

St. Mary’s Redcliffe, where I waited for the bus back to the airport.

I think Belfast has very handsome churches. Bristol’s churches are like Belfast churches on steroids. Bristolians must be flat out holier than us simple Belfast folk.